데이터시트 검색 사이트 - datasheet.kr    

4810 PDF 데이터시트 검색

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상세설명 제조사
ARX4810 & 4810FP Universal Dual Transceivers for MIL-STD-1553 & MACAIR A3818/ A5690/ A5232 & A4905

ARX4810 & 4810FP Universal Dual Transceivers for MIL-STD-1553 & MACAIR A3818, A5690, A5232 & A4905 Features World’s smallest dual "Universal Transceiver" 0.3" X 1.2" Package Dual transceiver meets military data bus requirements, MIL-STD-1553 and Macair specs Low power dissipation at full output power +5 , -15 Volt Power Supply Operation Voltage source output for higher bus drive power Monolithic construction using linear ASICs Processed and screened to MIL-STD-883 specs MIL-PRF-38534
Aeroflex Circuit Technology
Aeroflex Circuit Technology

DataSheet.kr       |      2020      |     연락처      |     링크모음      |      신규     |      사이트맵 :    1,      2