데이터시트 검색 사이트 - datasheet.kr    

P3NB80 PDF 데이터시트 검색

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상세설명 제조사

m o .c U 4 STP3NB80 t e STP3NB80FP e h S N - CHANNEL 800V - 4.6Ω - 2.6A - TO-220, TO-220FP a t PowerMESH™ MOSFET a .D w w w ® TYPE V DSS R DS(on) ID STP3NB80 STP3NB80FP 800 V 800 V < 6.5 Ω < 6.5 Ω 2.6 A 2.6 A s s s s s TYPICAL RDS(on) = 4.6 Ω EXTREMELY HIGH dv, dt CAPABILITY 100% AVALANCHE TESTED VERY LOW INTRINSIC CAPACITANCES GATE CHARGE MINIMIZED DESCRIPTION Using the latest high voltage MESH OVERLAY™ process, STMicroelectronics has designed an advanced family of pow
ST Microelectronics
ST Microelectronics

DataSheet.kr       |      2020      |     연락처      |     링크모음      |      신규     |      사이트맵 :    1,      2