데이터시트 검색 사이트 - datasheet.kr    

511KD20 데이터시트 PDF ( Data sheet )

이 부품은 11 to 1000 Volts Varistor 7.0 to 695.0 Joule의 기능을 가지고 있습니다.

사이트 이용 방법

511KD20의 핀아웃 및 회로도를 보려면 검색 결과에 있는 PDF 아이콘을 클릭하세요.

클릭한 반도체 부품에 대한 모든 관련 사양 및 성능이 포함된 데이터시트가 제공됩니다.

검색 결과 목록

번호 부품번호 상세설명 및 전자부품 기능 제조사

Zinc Oxide Varistor

20 Φ SERIES DATA SHEET ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR 20 Φ SERIES FEATURES Wide operating voltage (V1mA) range from 8V to 1800V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no following-on current. APPLICATION Transistor, diode,

Zinc Oxide Varistor

G Ge ellttr ro on niic cs sC Co o..,,L Lttd d.. Tel: 86-755-8828 1197, 8273 5519 Fax: 86-755-8273 5529 Web: www.geltronics.com E-mail: sales@geltronics.com ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR 20D SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Part No. allowable Maximum Energy Voltage ACrms DC (10, 1000us) (2ms) (V) (V) (J) 560.0 420.0

Micro Commercial Components
11 to 1000 Volts Varistor 13 to 1020 Joule

MCC TM Micro Commercial Components   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# 182KD20JX* thru 180LD20JX* 11 to 1000 Volts Varistor 13 to 1020 Joule Features High Surge, High Energy Designed to be Operated Continuousl
Micro Commercial Components

Micro Commercial Components
11 to 1000 Volts Varistor 13 to 1020 Joule

MCC TM Micro Commercial Components   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# 182KD20JX* thru 180LD20JX* 11 to 1000 Volts Varistor 13 to 1020 Joule Features High Surge, High Energy Designed to be Operated Continuousl
Micro Commercial Components

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록

부품번호 상세설명 제조업체 PDF
511-13-108-12-051-001 Pin grid array sockets Solder tail

Series 510 , 511 , 515 80 Pin grid array sockets Solder tail Pin grid array sockets, standard solder version PGA sockets are high density connecting devices equipped with machined precision contacts with soft contact clips assuring low insertion, withdrawal forces. Over 200 standard pinouts are a
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부품번호 상세설명 제조업체 PDF
511-91-108-12-051-001 Pin grid array sockets Solder tail

Series 510 , 511 , 515 80 Pin grid array sockets Solder tail Pin grid array sockets, standard solder version PGA sockets are high density connecting devices equipped with machined precision contacts with soft contact clips assuring low insertion, withdrawal forces. Over 200 standard pinouts are a
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datasheet 511-91-108-12-051-001 pdf
부품번호 상세설명 제조업체 PDF
511-93-108-12-051-001 Pin grid array sockets Solder tail

Series 510 , 511 , 515 80 Pin grid array sockets Solder tail Pin grid array sockets, standard solder version PGA sockets are high density connecting devices equipped with machined precision contacts with soft contact clips assuring low insertion, withdrawal forces. Over 200 standard pinouts are a
Precid-Dip Durtal SA
Precid-Dip Durtal SA
datasheet 511-93-108-12-051-001 pdf

페이지 링크 허용

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공유링크 :

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결과를 필터링하여 필요한 정확한 데이터시트를 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다.

DataSheet.kr       |      2020      |     연락처      |     링크모음      |      신규     |      사이트맵 :    1,      2