데이터시트 검색 사이트 - datasheet.kr    

S8550 데이터시트 PDF ( Data sheet )

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클릭한 반도체 부품에 대한 모든 관련 사양 및 성능이 포함된 데이터시트가 제공됩니다.

검색 결과 목록

번호 부품번호 상세설명 및 전자부품 기능 제조사

Tuofeng Semiconductor
PNP Transistor

Shenzhen Tuofeng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors S8550 TRANSISTOR (PNP) FEATURE Power dissipation PCM: 0.625 W (Tamb=25℃) Collector current ICM: -0.5 Collector-base voltage A V(BR)CBO: -40 V Operating and storage junction temperature range TJ, Tstg
Tuofeng Semiconductor

Wing Shing Computer Components

S8550 TRANSISTOR (PNP) TO-92 FEATURES Power dissipation PCM : 0.625 W (Tamb=25℃) Collector current A ICM : - 0.5 Collector-base voltage V(BR)CBO : - 40 V 1 2 3 1. EMITTER 2. BASE 3. COLLECTOR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Tamb=25℃ Symbol voltage voltage V(BR)CBO V(BR)CEO V(BR)EBO ICBO I
Wing Shing Computer Components

Weitron Technology
PNP General Purpose Transistors

S8550 PNP General Purpose Transistors P b Lead(Pb)-Free TO-92 1. E MIT T E R 2. B A SE 3. COL L E CTOR 1 2 3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 C) Rating Collector-E m itter Voltage Collector-B as e Voltage E m itter-B as e VOltage Collector Current Total Device Dis s ipation TA=2 5 C J unction
Weitron Technology

유니소닉 테크놀로지스

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD S8550 PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR LOW VOLTAGE HIGH CURRENT SMALL SIGNAL PNP TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION The UTC S8550 is a low voltage high current small signal PNP transistor, designed for Class B push-pull audio amplifier and general purpose applications. FEATURES * Coll
Unisonic Technologies

데이터시트 다운로드

S8550 PDF 다운로드

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록

부품번호 상세설명 제조업체 PDF
S852 Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor

S852T, S852TW Vishay Telefunken Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. Applications For low noise and high gain broadband amplifiers at collector currents from 0.2 mA to 5 mA. Features D Low supply voltage D Low current consumption D 50
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부품번호 상세설명 제조업체 PDF
S852T Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor

S852T, S852TW Vishay Telefunken Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. Applications For low noise and high gain broadband amplifiers at collector currents from 0.2 mA to 5 mA. Features D Low supply voltage D Low current consumption D 50
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Vishay Telefunken
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부품번호 상세설명 제조업체 PDF
S852TF Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor

S852TF Vishay Semiconductors Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Description The main purpose of this bipolar transistor is broadband amplification up to 2 GHz. In the space-saving 3-pin surface-mount SOT-490 package electrical performance and reliability are taken to a new level covering a smaller
Vishay Siliconix
Vishay Siliconix
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결과를 필터링하여 필요한 정확한 데이터시트를 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다.

DataSheet.kr       |      2020      |     연락처      |     링크모음      |      신규     |      사이트맵 :    1,      2