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검색 결과 목록



NCP1203 PWM Current Mode Controller for Universal Off Line Supplies Featuring Standby and Short Circuit Protection Housed in SOIC 8 or PDIP 8 package, the NCP1203 represents a major leap toward ultra compact Switchmode Power Supplies and represents an excellent candidate to replace the UC384X device

핀배열 및 상세이미지
1203P60 핀배열

ON Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록



NCP1200A PWM Current Mode Controller for Universal Off Line Supplies Featuring Low Standby Power Housed in SOIC 8 or PDIP 8 package, the NCP1200A enhances the previous NCP1200 series by offering a reduced optocoupler current together with an increased drive capability. Due to its novel concept, th

ON Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor

datasheet 1200AP40 pdf


Shielded Inductors Provide A Power Line Filtering Solution

1200LRS Series Through Hole Radial Lead Shielded Inductors SELECTION GUIDE Inductance (0.1V@10kHz) ±15% μH 12LRS682C 12LRS103C 12LRS153C 12LRS223C 12LRS333C 12LRS473C 12LRS683C 12LRS104C 12LRS154C 12LRS224C 12LRS334C 12LRS474C 12LRS684C 12LRS105C 12LRS155C 12LRS225C 12LRS335C 12LRS475C 12LRS685C

Murata Manufacturing
Murata Manufacturing

datasheet 1200LRS pdf



NCP1200 PWM Current Mode Controller for Low Power Universal Off Line Supplies Housed in SO 8 or DIP 8 package, the NCP1200 represents a major leap toward ultra compact Switch Mode Power Supplies. Thanks to a novel concept, the circuit allows the implementation of a complete offline battery charger

ON Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor

datasheet 1200P100 pdf



NCP1200 PWM Current Mode Controller for Low Power Universal Off Line Supplies Housed in SOIC 8 or PDIP 8 package, the NCP1200 represents a major leap toward ultra compact Switchmode Power Supplies. Due to a novel concept, the circuit allows the implementation of a complete offline battery charger

ON Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor

datasheet 1200P40 pdf



NCP1200 PWM Current Mode Controller for Low Power Universal Off Line Supplies Housed in SOIC 8 or PDIP 8 package, the NCP1200 represents a major leap toward ultra compact Switchmode Power Supplies. Due to a novel concept, the circuit allows the implementation of a complete offline battery charger

ON Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor

datasheet 1200P60 pdf

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