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검색 결과 목록



SPP16N50C3 SPI16N50C3, SPA16N50C3 Cool MOS™ Power Transistor Feature New revolutionary high voltage technology Ultra low gate charge VDS @ Tjmax RDS(on) ID 560 0.28 16 V Ω A Periodic avalanche rated PG-TO220FP PG-TO262 PG-TO220 Extreme dv, dt rated 2 Ultra low effective capacitanc

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16N50C3 PDF 데이터시트

Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록



FQP16N25 N-Channel QFET® MOSFET FQP16N25 N-Channel QFET® MOSFET 250 V, 16 A, 230 mΩ Description This N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFET is produced using Fairchild Semiconductor’s proprietary planar stripe and DMOS technology. This advanced MOSFET technology has been especially tailored

Fairchild Semiconductor
Fairchild Semiconductor

datasheet 16N25 pdf



MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Order this document by MTB16N25E, D Designer's TMOS E-FET .™ High Energy Power FET D 2 PAK for Surface Mount N Channel Enhancement Mode Silicon Gate The D2PAK package has the capability of housing a larger die than any existing surface mount package which

Motorola Semiconductors
Motorola Semiconductors

datasheet 16N25E pdf



UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 16N50 Preliminary Power MOSFET 16 Amps, 500 Volts N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFET DESCRIPTION The UTC 16N50 is an N-channel mode power MOSFET using UTC’s advanced technology to provide customers with planar stripe and DMOS technology. This technology allows a minimum on-st

Unisonic Technologies
Unisonic Technologies

datasheet 16N50 pdf



SiHP16N50C, SiHB16N50C, SiHF16N50C Vishay Siliconix Power MOSFET PRODUCT SUMMARY VDS (V) at TJ max. RDS(on) (Ω) Qg (Max.) (nC) Qgs (nC) Qgd (nC) Configuration TO-220AB TO-220 FULLPAK FEATURES 560 V VGS = 10 V 68 17.6 21.8 Single D Low Figure-of-Merit Ron x Qg 0.38 100 % Avalanche Tested Ga

Vishay Siliconix
Vishay Siliconix

datasheet 16N50C pdf



SPP16N50C3 SPI16N50C3, SPA16N50C3 Cool MOS™ Power Transistor Feature New revolutionary high voltage technology Ultra low gate charge VDS @ Tjmax RDS(on) ID 560 0.28 16 V Ω A Periodic avalanche rated PG-TO220FP PG-TO262 PG-TO220 Extreme dv, dt rated 2 Ultra low effective capacitanc

Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies

datasheet 16N50C3 pdf

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