2SD0592A의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다. |
검색 결과 목록
2SD0592A Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type
2SD0592A (2SD592A)
Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type
For low-frequency output amplification Complementary to 2SB0621A (2SB621A) ■ Features
Unit: mm
5.0±0.2 4.0±0.2
Large collector power dissipation PC Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat)
■ Abs PDF 다운로드Panasonic Semiconductor |
국내 전자부품 판매점 |
디바이스마트 IC114 엘레파츠 ICbanQ |
관련 검색 목록
2SD0602 Silicon NPN epitaxial planer type Transistors
Silicon NPN epitaxial planer type
Unit: mm
For general amplification Complementary to 2SB0710A I Features
Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment and automatic insertion through the tape packing and the mag Panasonic Semiconductor |
2SD0602A Silicon NPN epitaxial planer type Transistors
Silicon NPN epitaxial planer type
Unit: mm
For general amplification Complementary to 2SB0710A I Features
Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment and automatic insertion through the tape packing and the mag Panasonic Semiconductor |
2SD0638 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type
2SD0638 (2SD638)
Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type
For medium-power general amplification Complementary to 2SB0643 (2SB643)
(1.5) (1.5)
Unit: mm
6.9±0.1 2.5±0.1 (1.0)
■ Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C
Parameter Collector-base voltage (Emitter open) Collector- Panasonic Semiconductor |
2SD0662 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type
2SD0662, 2SD0662B (2SD662, 2SD662B)
Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type
For high breakdown voltage general amplification
6.9±0.1 2.5±0.1 (1.0)
Unit: mm
High collector-emitter voltage (Base open) VCEO High transition frequency fT M type package allowing eas Panasonic Semiconductor |
2SD0662B Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type
2SD0662, 2SD0662B (2SD662, 2SD662B)
Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type
For high breakdown voltage general amplification
6.9±0.1 2.5±0.1 (1.0)
Unit: mm
High collector-emitter voltage (Base open) VCEO High transition frequency fT M type package allowing eas Panasonic Semiconductor |
국내 및 해외 전자부품 구매 정보 및 가격정보를 쉽게 확인 할수 있습니다. 부품 번호 및 기타 주요 기준별로 결과를 필터링하여 필요한 정확한 데이터시트를 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다. |
검색결과에 표시되지 않는 내용은 수일내에 자동으로 업데이트 됩니다. 이 페이지에 대한 링크를 허용합니다. |
DataSheet.kr | 2020 | 연락처 | 링크모음 | 신규 | 맵 : 1, 2 |