5611-BSR의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

이 페이지에서 반도체 부품에 대한 모든 관련 사양 및 성능 데이터가 포함된 데이터시트가 제공됩니다.

검색 결과 목록


Seven segment LED display

Part: 5611 BSR Features: Digit height 0.56” Digit quantity One Surface color Gray Package dimension& Internal circuit diagram Specifications of Seven segment LED display Epoxy color Pin configuration Emitting color Milky Common anode Super red Catho


국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


(561-xxxxKOP) Knock Out Plugs

Knock Out Plugs 561-0875KOP, 561-1093KOP, 561-1375KOP, 561-1750KOP, 561-2000KOP Date Last Revised: 10-23-06 B ±.015 1, 16" 3, 32" 3, 32" C ±.015 1, 16" 1, 8" Dimensions: In Molded in a gray nylon to blend in with galvanized steel Economical plugs lock firmly into 5 trade size holes with t


datasheet 561-1093KOP pdf


(561-xx0x-XXX) 5mm LED CBI Circuit Board Indicator Vertical

5mm LED CBI® Circuit Board Indicator Vertical, Various Heights 5.00 [.197] 561-xx0x-xxx PART NO. COLOR Red INTEGRAL RESISTOR, 5 VOLTS 7.14 [.281] A HOUSING TYPE DIM. A -050 12.7 [.500] -070 17.8 [.700] -100 25.4 [1.00] 561-0104-xxx LOW CURRENT 2.54 [.100] 2.54 [.100] 3.68 [.145] CATHODE 5

Dialight Corporation
Dialight Corporation

datasheet 561-1101-XXX pdf


(561-xx0x-XXX) 5mm LED CBI Circuit Board Indicator Vertical

5mm LED CBI® Circuit Board Indicator Vertical, Various Heights 5.00 [.197] 561-xx0x-xxx PART NO. COLOR Red INTEGRAL RESISTOR, 5 VOLTS 7.14 [.281] A HOUSING TYPE DIM. A -050 12.7 [.500] -070 17.8 [.700] -100 25.4 [1.00] 561-0104-xxx LOW CURRENT 2.54 [.100] 2.54 [.100] 3.68 [.145] CATHODE 5

Dialight Corporation
Dialight Corporation

datasheet 561-1201-XXX pdf


(561-xx0x-XXX) 5mm LED CBI Circuit Board Indicator Vertical

5mm LED CBI® Circuit Board Indicator Vertical, Various Heights 5.00 [.197] 561-xx0x-xxx PART NO. COLOR Red INTEGRAL RESISTOR, 5 VOLTS 7.14 [.281] A HOUSING TYPE DIM. A -050 12.7 [.500] -070 17.8 [.700] -100 25.4 [1.00] 561-0104-xxx LOW CURRENT 2.54 [.100] 2.54 [.100] 3.68 [.145] CATHODE 5

Dialight Corporation
Dialight Corporation

datasheet 561-1301-XXX pdf


(561-xxxxKOP) Knock Out Plugs

Knock Out Plugs 561-0875KOP, 561-1093KOP, 561-1375KOP, 561-1750KOP, 561-2000KOP Date Last Revised: 10-23-06 B ±.015 1, 16" 3, 32" 3, 32" C ±.015 1, 16" 1, 8" Dimensions: In Molded in a gray nylon to blend in with galvanized steel Economical plugs lock firmly into 5 trade size holes with t


datasheet 561-1375KOP pdf

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검색결과에 표시되지 않는 내용은 수일내에 자동으로 업데이트 됩니다.
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