BUK7E2R7-30B의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

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검색 결과 목록


N-channel TrenchMOS standard level FET

BUK7E2R7-30B N-channel TrenchMOS standard level FET Rev. 04 7 June 2010 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description Standard level N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) in a plastic package using TrenchMOS technology. This product has been designed and qualif

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BUK7E2R7-30B PDF 데이터시트

NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET

Philips Semiconductors Product specification PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected logic level power MOSFET in a 3 pin plastic envelope, intended as a general purpose switch for automotive systems and other applications. BUK101-50DL QUIC

NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors

datasheet BUK101-50DL pdf


PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET

Philips Semiconductors Product specification PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected logic level power MOSFET in a 3 pin plastic envelope, intended as a general purpose switch for automotive systems and other applications. BUK101-50GL QUIC

NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors

datasheet BUK101-50GL pdf


PowerMOS transistor TOPFET

Philips Semiconductors Product specification PowerMOS transistor TOPFET DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected power MOSFET in a 3 pin plastic envelope, intended as a general purpose switch for automotive systems and other applications. BUK101-50GS QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL

NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors

datasheet BUK101-50GS pdf


PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET

Philips Semiconductors Product specification PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected logic level power MOSFET in a 3 pin plastic envelope, intended as a general purpose switch for automotive systems and other applications. BUK102-50DL QUIC

NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors

datasheet BUK102-50DL pdf


PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET

Philips Semiconductors Product specification PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected logic level power MOSFET in a 3 pin plastic envelope, intended as a general purpose switch for automotive systems and other applications. BUK102-50GL QUIC

NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors

datasheet BUK102-50GL pdf

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