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검색 결과 목록


NPN Transistor - 2SC5502

Ordering number:ENN6279 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC5502 High-Frequency Low-Noise Amplifier Applications Features · Low noise : NF=1.1dB typ (f=1GHz). · High gain : S21e 2=12dB typ (f=1GHz). · High cutoff frequency : fT=8GH- typ. Package Dimensions unit:mm 2161 [2SC5502] 0.425

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국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


NPN Transistor - 2SC5511

2SC5511 Transistors For Audio Amplifier output - TV Velosity Modulation (160V, 1.5A) 2SC5511 zExternal dimensions (Unit : mm) TO-220FN 10.0 zStructure NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor 4.5 φ3.2 2.8 zFeatures 1) Electrical characteristics of DC current gain hFE is flat. 2) High breakdow

ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor

datasheet C5511 pdf


NPN Transistor - 2SC5516

Power Transistors 2SC5516 Silicon NPN triple diffusion mesa type For horizontal deflection output 15.5±0.5 4.5 Unit: mm q q q High breakdown voltage, and high reliability through the use of a glass passivation layer High-speed switching Wide area of safe operation (ASO) (TC=25˚C) Ratings 150


datasheet C5516 pdf



C, A-551X, C, A-561X SINGLE DIGIT DISPLAY Shape Part No. Common Common Cathode Anode Chip Raw Material Emitted Color Wave Electro-Optical Characteristics Length Vf(V)20mA Iv(ucd)10mA Fig.No. p(nm) Typ. Max. Typ. C-551H C-551E C-551G C-551Y C-551SR C-561H C-561E C-561G C-561Y C-561SR A-551H A-55

Para Light Electronics
Para Light Electronics

datasheet C551E pdf


NPN Transistor - 2SC5521

New Horizontal Deflection Transistor Series for TV s Overview Based on accumulated manufacturing technology, these horizontal deflection transistors for TVs offer high performance and compact design. They can also withstand high voltage and maintain low loss. They also have a broad area of safeoper


datasheet C5521 pdf


NPN Transistor - 2SC5545

2SC5545 Silicon NPN Epitaxial VHF , UHF wide band amplifier Features Excellent inter modulation characteristic High power gain and low noise figure ; PG=16dB typ. , NF=1.1dB typ. at f=900MHz Outline Note: Marking is “ZS-”. MPAK-4 2 3 1 4 1. Collector 2. Emitter 3. Base 4. Emitter ADE-208-

Hitachi Semiconductor
Hitachi Semiconductor

datasheet C5545 pdf

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