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검색 결과 목록



Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com TFT LCD Preliminary Specification MODEL NO. HC315BH-D04 Customer: Approved by: Note: Approved By Reviewed By Prepared By Date: Date: Date: 1 One step solution for LCD , PDP , OLED panel application: Datasheet, inventory and accessory! www.pane

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HC315BH-D04 PDF 데이터시트


국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


EIA/ITU PABX SLIC with 40mA Loop Feed

HC-5504B Data Sheet July 1998 File Number 2886.5 EIA, ITU PABX SLIC with 40mA Loop Feed The Intersil SLIC incorporates many of the BORSHT functions on a single IC chip. This includes DC battery feed, a ring relay driver, supervisory and hybrid functions. This device is designed to maintain transmis

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HC3-5504B-9 pdf


Continuously Variable Slope Delta-Demodulator (CVSD)

Low Bit Rate Voiceband Encoders, Decoders Semiconductor March 1993 Features All Digital Requires Few External Parts D E D EN Continuously Variable Slope M M S O N Delta-Demodulator (CVSD) C G I E S E TR D O Description N EW N FOR The HC-55536 is a CMOS integrated circuit used to convert serial

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HC3-55536-5 pdf


Continuously Variable Slope Delta-Demodulator (CVSD)

Low Bit Rate Voiceband Encoders, Decoders Semiconductor March 1993 Features All Digital Requires Few External Parts D E D EN Continuously Variable Slope M M S O N Delta-Demodulator (CVSD) C G I E S E TR D O Description N EW N FOR The HC-55536 is a CMOS integrated circuit used to convert serial

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HC3-55536-9 pdf


Continuously Variable Slope Delta-Modulator (CVSD)

Low Bit Rate Voiceband Encoders, Decoder Semiconductor February 1999 T UCT ROD ACEMEN 47 P E 7 T L OLE REP 00-442-7 OBS ENDED 8 M ns 1 .com COM pplicatio @harris E R NO ntral A entapp Ce : c Call or email HC-55564 Continuously Variable Slope Delta-Modulator (CVSD) Features All Digital Requires

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HC3-55564-5 pdf


PCM Transcoder

HC-5560 Data Sheet January 1997 File Number 2887.2 PCM Transcoder The HC-5560 digital line transcoder provides encoding and decoding of pseudo ternary line code substitution schemes. Unlike other industry standard transcoders, the HC-5560 provides four worldwide compatible mode selectable code subs

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HC3-5560-5 pdf

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