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검색 결과 목록


Infrared Receiver Module

PDGD Æ ¿Æ¼¼ ÐÆ ¹ × Ð Þ¹ ¾ HS0038 http:, , www.PDGDLED.COM 0755-28701551 Infrared Receiver Module : 1. ● ● ● ● ● ● ; IC; ; ; ; ; HS0038 2. ■ ■ ■ : ( ( , , ; , , , ) ) 3. : 4. : Infrared Receiver Module : HS0038 (T=25





국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


Rad-Hard 16 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexer with High-Z Analog Input Protection

HS-1840ARH Data Sheet August 1999 File Number 4355.1 Rad-Hard 16 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexer with High-Z Analog Input Protection The HS-1840ARH is a radiation hardened, monolithic 16 channel multiplexer constructed with the Intersil Rad-Hard Silicon Gate, bonded wafer, Dielectric Isolation proc

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HS0-1840ARH-Q pdf


Radiation Hardened High Speed/ Quad SPST/ CMOS Analog Switch

HS-201HSRH TM Data Sheet June 2000 File Number 4874 Radiation Hardened High Speed, Quad SPST, CMOS Analog Switch The HS-201HSRH is a monolithic CMOS analog switch featuring power-off high input impedance, very fast switching speeds and low ON resistance. Fabrication on our DI RSG process assure

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HS0-201HSRH-Q pdf


Rad Hard Dual/ Wideband/ High Input Impedance Uncompensated Operational Amplifier

HS-22620RH Data Sheet August 1999 File Number 4349.1 Rad Hard Dual, Wideband, High Input Impedance Uncompensated Operational Ampli er The HS-22620RH is a radiation hardened, dual bipolar operational ampli er that features very high input impedance coupled with wideband AC performance. The high resi

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HS0-22620RH-Q pdf


Radiation Hardened Uncompensated/ High Slew Rate Operational Amplifier

HS-2520RH Data Sheet August 1999 File Number 3599.2 Radiation Hardened Uncompensated, High Slew Rate Operational Ampli er The HS-2520RH is a radiation hardened monolithic operational ampli er which delivers an unsurpassed combination of speci cations for slew rate, bandwidth and settling time. This

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HS0-2520RH-Q pdf


Radiation Hardened Quad Differential Line Driver

HS-26C31RH Data Sheet August 1999 File Number 3401.3 Radiation Hardened Quad Differential Line Driver The Intersil HS-26C31RH is a quad differential line driver designed for digital data transmission over balanced lines and meets the requirements of EIA standard RS-422. Radiation hardened CMOS proc

Intersil Corporation
Intersil Corporation

datasheet HS0-26C31RH-Q pdf

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