NTE1315의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다. |
검색 결과 목록
NTE1315 AF Power Amplifier NTE1315 Integrated Circuit Module 2 Power, 2 Channel AF Power Amplifier, 35W Min
Absolute Maximum Ratings: (TA = +25°C unless otherwise specified) Maximum Supply Voltage, VCCmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±45V Operating Jun PDF 다운로드NTE |
국내 전자부품 판매점 |
디바이스마트 IC114 엘레파츠 ICbanQ |
관련 검색 목록
NTE0303MC Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC/DC Converters www.murata-ps.com
NTE Series
Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC, DC Converters
FEATURES RoHS compliant Lead frame technology Single isolated output 1kVDC Isolation Ef ciency up to 78% Power density 1.8W, cm3 Wide temperature performance at full
1 Watt load, 40°C to 85°C UL 94V-0 Pa Murata |
NTE0305M Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC/DC Converters C&D Technologies |
NTE0305MC Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC/DC Converters www.murata-ps.com
NTE Series
Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC, DC Converters
FEATURES RoHS compliant Lead frame technology Single isolated output 1kVDC Isolation Ef ciency up to 78% Power density 1.8W, cm3 Wide temperature performance at full
1 Watt load, 40°C to 85°C UL 94V-0 Pa Murata |
NTE0309MC Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC/DC Converters www.murata-ps.com
NTE Series
Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC, DC Converters
FEATURES RoHS compliant Lead frame technology Single isolated output 1kVDC Isolation Ef ciency up to 78% Power density 1.8W, cm3 Wide temperature performance at full
1 Watt load, 40°C to 85°C UL 94V-0 Pa Murata |
NTE0312MC Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC/DC Converters www.murata-ps.com
NTE Series
Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC, DC Converters
FEATURES RoHS compliant Lead frame technology Single isolated output 1kVDC Isolation Ef ciency up to 78% Power density 1.8W, cm3 Wide temperature performance at full
1 Watt load, 40°C to 85°C UL 94V-0 Pa Murata |
국내 및 해외 전자부품 구매 정보 및 가격정보를 쉽게 확인 할수 있습니다. 부품 번호 및 기타 주요 기준별로 결과를 필터링하여 필요한 정확한 데이터시트를 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다. |
검색결과에 표시되지 않는 내용은 수일내에 자동으로 업데이트 됩니다. 이 페이지에 대한 링크를 허용합니다. |
DataSheet.kr | 2020 | 연락처 | 링크모음 | 신규 | 맵 : 1, 2 |