PCF-106D2M의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다. |
검색 결과 목록
PCF-106D2M 25A Miniature Power PC Board Relay Catalog 1308242 Issued 3-03
PCF series
25A Miniature Power PC Board Relay
Appliances, HVAC, Office Machines. UL File No. E58304 CSA File No. LR48471 TUV File No. R9551880
Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product part number. It is recommended that user also PDF 다운로드Tyco |
국내 전자부품 판매점 |
디바이스마트 IC114 엘레파츠 ICbanQ |
관련 검색 목록
PCF-118D2M 25A Miniature Power PC Board Relay Catalog 1308242 Issued 3-03
PCF series
25A Miniature Power PC Board Relay
Appliances, HVAC, Office Machines. UL File No. E58304 CSA File No. LR48471 TUV File No. R9551880
Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product part number. It is recommended that user also Tyco |
PCF-124D2M 25A Miniature Power PC Board Relay Catalog 1308242 Issued 3-03
PCF series
25A Miniature Power PC Board Relay
Appliances, HVAC, Office Machines. UL File No. E58304 CSA File No. LR48471 TUV File No. R9551880
Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product part number. It is recommended that user also Tyco |
10 to 500 MH- , High Signal Isolation , High Accuracy , Hi-Rel Flatpack
Model Number PCF-3F-***B Center Frequency, fo, MH- 10 - 500 Usable Bandwidth, MH- fo ± 5%
RF Characteristics Phase Difference Range: 0 - 36 Merrimac Industries |
PCF0201 Precision Thin Film Nichrome Chip Resistors PNPMrrioceeuhccnriissotiimooRnneesTSCihushitrnoifparFscRilemesistors
PCF Series
·PCPFreSceisriioens thin film technology · PErxetecinsdioend omhemtaicl rfailnmgete1cRh-n3oMlogy · EPxretceinsidoendtoo±h0m.0ic1%ranangde 51pRp-m3, M°C · PPraescsiivsiaotnedtoran±g0e.0f1o%r suapnedri5opr phmum, ° TT electronics |
PCF0330 (PCF0xx0) CMOS Gate Arrays Mullard |
국내 및 해외 전자부품 구매 정보 및 가격정보를 쉽게 확인 할수 있습니다. 부품 번호 및 기타 주요 기준별로 결과를 필터링하여 필요한 정확한 데이터시트를 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다. |
검색결과에 표시되지 않는 내용은 수일내에 자동으로 업데이트 됩니다. 이 페이지에 대한 링크를 허용합니다. |
DataSheet.kr | 2020 | 연락처 | 링크모음 | 신규 | 맵 : 1, 2 |