PFN1316의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

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검색 결과 목록


EMC Choke Coil

EMC Choke Coil Type: PFN1316 ◆ Product Description 18.5mm×14.5mm Max.(L×W), 20.5mm Max. Height . In addition to the typical versions of parameters shown here, custom parameters are available to meet your exact requirements. ◆ Feature Iron dust core is used to realize

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PFN1316 PDF 데이터시트

Sumida Corporation
Sumida Corporation

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


EMC Choke Coil

EMC Choke Coil Type: PFN1316 ◆ Product Description 18.5mm×14.5mm Max.(L×W), 20.5mm Max. Height . In addition to the typical versions of parameters shown here, custom parameters are available to meet your exact requirements. ◆ Feature Iron dust core is used to realize

Sumida Corporation
Sumida Corporation

datasheet PFN1316 pdf


EMC Choke Coil

EMC Choke Coil Type: PFN1318 ◆ Product Description 19.0mm×14.5mm Max.(L×W), 22.5mm Max. Height . In addition to the typical versions of parameters shown here, custom parameters are available to meet your exact requirements. ◆ Feature Iron dust core is used to realiz

Sumida Corporation
Sumida Corporation

datasheet PFN1318 pdf


EMC Choke Coil

EMC Choke Coil Type: PFN1329 ◆ Product Description ¢30.0mm×13.0mm Max. In addition to the typical versions of parameters shown here, custom parameters are available to meet your exact requirements. ◆ Feature Iron dust core is used to realize better DC Saturation cha

Sumida Corporation
Sumida Corporation

datasheet PFN1329 pdf


EMC Choke Coil

EMC Choke Coil Type: PFN1515, MS ◆ Product Description 17.0mm×10.5mm Max.(L×W), 18.0mm Max. Height In addition to the typical versions of parameters shown here, custom parameters are available to meet your exact requirements. ◆ Feature Iron dust core is used to real

Sumida Corporation
Sumida Corporation

datasheet PFN1515 pdf


EMC & PFC Choke Coil

EMC & PFC Choke Coil Type: PFN2028 ◆ Product Description ¢26.0mm×31.0mm.MAX. Custom design is available. ◆ Feature Iron dust core is used to realize better DC saturation characteristics and higher noise absorption effect and less leakage magnetic flux by using toro

Sumida Corporation
Sumida Corporation

datasheet PFN2028 pdf

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