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검색 결과 목록


Internally Triggered Triacs (4 A to 15 A)

U. R L. O 1639 EC #E7 Fi le I GN ZE D TO-220 Isolated MT2 MT1 T Internally Triggered Triacs (4 A to 15 A) E3 General Description Teccor’s Quadrac devices are triacs that include a diac trigger mounted inside the same package. This device, developed by Teccor, saves the user the expense

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Teccor Electronics
Teccor Electronics


Internally Triggered Triacs

U. R L. EC Fi O IZ GN 71 63 ED 9 le #E E3 TO-220 MT2 MT1 T Quadrac Internally Triggered Triacs (4 A to 15 A) E3 RoHS General Description Teccor’s Quadrac devices are triacs that include a diac trigger mounted inside the same package. This device, developed by Teccor, saves the us

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국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


Internally Triggered Triacs

U. R L. EC Fi O IZ GN 71 63 ED 9 le #E E3 TO-220 MT2 MT1 T Quadrac Internally Triggered Triacs (4 A to 15 A) E3 RoHS General Description Teccor’s Quadrac devices are triacs that include a diac trigger mounted inside the same package. This device, developed by Teccor, saves the us


datasheet Q4004LT pdf



es * Se le ct U. L. G 39 CO 716 E R #E ed Fi le P k ac ag Z NI ED E2 TO-92 TO-202 *TO-220 3-lead Compak TO-263 D2Pak TO-252 D-Pak TO-251 V-Pak *TO-3 Fastpak MT2 MT1 G Triacs (0.8 A to 35 A) E2 RoHS General Description These gated triacs from Teccor Electronics are part of a b


datasheet Q4004Lx pdf


Alternistor Triacs

l Se ec te U. L. G 39 CO 716 E R #E d P Fi le k ac ag es * NI ZE D * TO-220 *TO-218 *TO-218X TO-252 D-Pak TO-263 D 2 Pak TO-251 V-Pak MT2 MT1 G (6 A to 40 A) E4 General Description Teccor offers bidirectional alternistors with current ratings from 6 A to 40 A and voltages from 200

Teccor Electronics
Teccor Electronics

datasheet Q4006DH3 pdf


Alternistor Triacs

l Se ec te U. L. G 39 CO 716 E R #E d P Fi le k ac ag es * NI ZE D * TO-220 *TO-218 *TO-218X TO-252 D-Pak TO-263 D 2 Pak TO-251 V-Pak MT2 MT1 G (6 A to 40 A) E4 General Description Teccor offers bidirectional alternistors with current ratings from 6 A to 40 A and voltages from 200

Teccor Electronics
Teccor Electronics

datasheet Q4006DH4 pdf


Alternistor Triacs

l Se ec te U. L. G 39 CO 716 E R #E d P Fi le k ac ag es * NI ZE D * TO-220 *TO-218 *TO-218X TO-252 D-Pak TO-263 D 2 Pak TO-251 V-Pak MT2 MT1 G (6 A to 40 A) E4 General Description Teccor offers bidirectional alternistors with current ratings from 6 A to 40 A and voltages from 200

Teccor Electronics
Teccor Electronics

datasheet Q4006LH4 pdf

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