SL2831의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다. |
검색 결과 목록
SL2831 Built-in high-voltage MOSFET current-mode PWM controller SL283X
置高 MOSFET的 流模式PWM控制器系列
SXM--SL283X 是 用 于
源的 置 高 MOSFET 流模式 PWM 控制器系列
路待机功耗低, 流低。在待机
模式下, 路 入 歇工作模式, 而有效地
降低 路的待机功耗。 路的 率 65K PDF 다운로드ETC |
국내 전자부품 판매점 |
디바이스마트 IC114 엘레파츠 ICbanQ |
관련 검색 목록
SL2009NP1T Dual stage IF amplifier for cable tuners SL2009
Dual stage IF ampli er for cable tuners
March 2002
Single chip solution for tuner IF gain and AGC Contains 34 dB of AGC shared between two AGC stages Design optimised for high signal handling with low inter-modulation spurious generation I, O ports optimised Zarlink Semiconductor Inc |
SL2015 Full Band Satellite Tuner SL2015
Full Band Satellite Tuner Advance Information
Supersedes April 1997 version, DS4548 - 2.1 DS4593 - 3.2 February 1998
The SL2015 is a fully integrated mixer oscillator with output AGC, intended primarily for application in satellite tuners, where it downconverts the first high IF from the out Mitel Networks Corporation |
SL2017 Full Band Satellite Tuner SL2017
Full Band Satellite Tuner Preliminary Information
DS4889 - 1.2 may 1998
The SL2017 is a fully integrated mixer with output AGC, intended primarily for application in satellite tuners, where it downconverts the first high IF from the outdoor unit to the second IF for data demodulation. The de Mitel Networks Corporation |
SL2030 High Performance Broadband Mixer Oscillator SL2030
High Performance Broadband Mixer Oscillator Preliminary Information
DS5116 Issue 2.1 October 1999
Ordering Information
SL2030, IG, MP1S (Tubes) SL2030, IG, MP1T (Tape and Reel)
Single Chip Broadband Solution Wide Dynamic Range RF Input Low Phase Noise Balanced Internal L Mitel Networks Corporation |
SL2035 High Performance Broadband Downconverter SL2035
High Performance Broadband Downconverter Preliminary Information
DS5117 Issue 2.1 October 1999
Ordering Information
SL2035, IG, MP1S (Tubes) SL2035, IG, MP1T (Tape and Reel) The output of the preamplifier is fed to the mixer section which is optimised for low radiation ap Mitel Networks Corporation |
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