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검색 결과 목록


400 mW Output Blue-Violet Semiconductor Laser Diodes

SLD3237VF, 400 mW Output Blue-Violet Semiconductor SLD3237VFR Laser Diodes Support BDXLTM To respond to the increasing popularity of HD and 3D content, Sony has now developed the industry's first 400 mW pulsed optical output laser diode, the SLD3237VF. This high-output blue-violet laser diode suppo

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Sony Corporation
Sony Corporation

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


1310nm Laser Diode Chips

1310nm Laser Diode Chips 1310nm Laser Diode Chips SLD-1310-P5-C-05 SLD-1310-P5-C-05 UNION OPTRONICS CORP. ■Specifications (1) Size : (2) Device: (3) Structure: 300*300*100μm Laser diode bare chip Double channel , single ridge waveguide ■External dimensions(Unit :μm) 300μm 100μm Wavegu


datasheet SLD-1310-P5-C-05 pdf


12 Watt Discrete LDMOS FET

Product Description Sirenza Microdevices’ SLD2000 is a robust 12 Watt, high performance LDMOS transistor die, designed for operation from 10 to 2700MHz. It is an excellent solution for applications requiring high linearity and efficiency. The SLD2000 is typically used as a driver or output stage f

Sirenza Microdevices
Sirenza Microdevices

datasheet SLD-2000 pdf


12 Watt Discrete LDMOS FET

SLD-2083CZ Product Description Sirenza Microdevices’ SLD-2083CZ is a robust 12 Watt high performance LDMOS transistor designed for operation to 2700MHz. It is an excellent solution for applications requiring high linearity and efficiency at a low cost. The SLD-2083CZ is typically used in the desig

Sirenza Microdevices
Sirenza Microdevices

datasheet SLD-2083CZ pdf


30 Watt Discrete LDMOS FET

Preliminary SLD-3091FZ Product Description Sirenza Microdevices’ SLD-3091FZ is a robust 30 Watt high performance LDMOS transistor designed for operation from 10 to 2200MHz. It is an excellent solution for applications requiring high linearity and efficiency at a low cost. The SLD-3091FZ is typica

Sirenza Microdevices
Sirenza Microdevices

datasheet SLD-3091FZ pdf


635nm Red Laser Diode Chips

635nm Laser Diode 635nm Red Laser Diode SLD-635-P5-RG-466-1 ■Specifications (1) Device: (2) Structure: Laser Diode TO-18(φ5.6mm) ■External dimensions(Unit : mm) SLD-635-P5-RG-466-1 UNION OPTRONICS CORP. ■Absolute Maximum Ratings(Tc=25℃) Parameter Symbol Optical Output Po Reverse


datasheet SLD-635-P5-RG-466-1 pdf

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