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검색 결과 목록


Zener Voltage Regulator Didoes

MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 225 mW SOT-23 Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes GENERAL DATA APPLICABLE TO ALL SERIES IN THIS GROUP GENERAL DATA 225 mW SOT-23 Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes Manufacturing Locations: WAFER FAB: Phoenix, Arizona ASSEMBLY: Seremban, Malaysia TEST: Seremban, Malay

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Motorola Semiconductors
Motorola Semiconductors


Low Resistance Low Capacitance Plastic Packaged PIN Diodes

Low Resistance Low Capacitance Plastic Packaged PIN Diodes SMP1320 Series Features s Designed for High Performance Wireless Switch Applications s 0.9 Ω Resistance, 0.3 pF Capacitance s Multiple Package Configurations s Available in Tape and Reel Packaging Description The SMP1320 series of plastic

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Alpha Industries
Alpha Industries

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


Small Signal Switching Diode

SOT-23CD SERIES Small Signal Switching Diode CDBAV99, CDBAV70, CDBAW56, CDMMBD4148 FEATURES Silicon epitaxial planar diode SMD chip pattern, dual diode with anode to cathode Leadfree and RoHS compliance components MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Size: SOT-23 case Weight: approx. 21mg Marking: BAV99 as


datasheet SOT-23CD pdf


Package Dimensions

VISHAY SOT-343 Vishay Semiconductors SOT-343 Package Dimensions in mm 96 12237 Document Number 84031 Rev. 1.1, 05-Feb-04 1 SOT-343 Vishay Semiconductors Ozone Depleting Substances Policy Statement It is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to 1. Meet all present and future

Vishay Siliconix
Vishay Siliconix

datasheet SOT-343 pdf



SOT-353 OUTLINE lleged to be exact and consistent. SYNC Power Corporation presumes no responsibility for the penalties of use of such information or for any violation of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by allegation or otherwise under


datasheet SOT-353 pdf


Package Dimensions in mm

VISHAY SOT-363L Vishay Semiconductors SOT-363L Package Dimensions in mm 14280 Document Number 84036 Rev. 1.1, 10-Feb-04 1 SOT-363L Vishay Semiconductors Ozone Depleting Substances Policy Statement It is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to 1. Meet all present and future na

Vishay Siliconix
Vishay Siliconix

datasheet SOT-363L pdf


PCB Mounting Considerations

SOT-89 PCB MOUNTING CONSIDERATIONS m o c.u 4te e h s ata d w . Hole diameter is limited by pcb thickness usually 2 x pcb thk. Hole density is limited by fab tolerance usually .01“ SN63 Solder paste water clean Use .02“ oversize solder templete .03“vias T = 72c .02“vias T = 75c .012“via


datasheet SOT-89 pdf

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