SPP4925B의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

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검색 결과 목록


P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET

SPP4925B P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET DESCRIPTION The SPP4925B is the Dual P-Channel logic enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using high cell density , DMOS trench technology. This high density process is especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance. These devic

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국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


Cool MOS Power Transistor

Final data SPP02N60C3 SPB02N60C3 VDS @ Tjmax RDS(on) ID P-TO263-3-2 Cool MOS™ Power Transistor Feature New revolutionary high voltage technology Ultra low gate charge Periodic avalanche rated Extreme dv, dt rated Ultra low effective capacitances 650 3 1.8 V Ω A P-TO220-3-1 Type SPP0

Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies

datasheet SPP02N60C3 pdf


Cool MOS Power Transistor

SPP02N60S5 SPB02N60S5 Cool MOS™ Power Transistor Feature New revolutionary high voltage technology Ultra low gate charge Periodic avalanche rated Extreme dv, dt rated Ultra low effective capacitances Improved transconductance P-TO220-3-1 VDS RDS(on) ID P-TO263-3-2 600 3 1.8 V Ω A P-T

Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies

datasheet SPP02N60S5 pdf


Cool MOS Power Transistor

Final data SPP02N80C3 SPA02N80C3 VDS RDS(on) ID P-TO220-3-31 Cool MOS™ Power Transistor Feature New revolutionary high voltage technology Ultra low gate charge Periodic avalanche rated Extreme dv, dt rated P-TO-220-3-31: Fully isolated package (2500 VAC; 1 minute) P-TO220-3-31 800 2.7 2

Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies

datasheet SPP02N80C3 pdf


Cool MOS Power Transistor

Final data SPP03N60C3, SPB03N60C3 SPA03N60C3 VDS @ Tjmax RDS(on) ID 650 1.4 3.2 V Ω A Cool MOS™ Power Transistor Feature New revolutionary high voltage technology Ultra low gate charge Periodic avalanche rated Extreme dv, dt rated High peak current capability Improved transconductance P-

Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies

datasheet SPP03N60C3 pdf


Power Transistor

Cool MOS™ Power Transistor Feature New revolutionary high voltage technology Ultra low gate charge Periodic avalanche rated Extreme dv, dt rated Ultra low effective capacitances Improved transconductance SPP03N60S5 VDS RDS(on) ID 600 V 1.4 Ω 3.2 A PG-TO220 2 P-TO220-3-1 123 Type SPP

Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies

datasheet SPP03N60S5 pdf

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