TMP91FU62FG의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

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검색 결과 목록


16 Bit Microcontroller

16 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-900, L1 Series TMP91FU62FG TMP91FU62DFG Revision 1.1 TOSHIBA CORPORATION The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices i

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TMP91FU62FG PDF 데이터시트

Toshiba Semiconductor
Toshiba Semiconductor

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


Low Power/ Programmable Temperature Controller

FEATURES 55°C to +125°C ( 67°F to +257°F) operation ±1.0°C accuracy over temperature (typ) Temperature-proportional voltage output User-programmable temperature trip points User-programmable hysteresis 20 mA open-collector trip point outputs TTL, CMOS compatible Single-supply operation (4.5 V

Analog Devices
Analog Devices

datasheet TMP01 pdf


Serial Digital Output Thermometers

a FEATURES Low Cost 3-Pin Package Modulated Serial Digital Output Proportional to Temperature ± 1.5 C Accuracy (typ) from 25 C to +100 C Specified 40 C to +100 C, Operation to 150 C Power Consumption 6.5 mW Max at 5 V Flexible Open-Collector Output on TMP03 CMOS, TTL Compatible Output on TMP04 Lo

Analog Devices
Analog Devices

datasheet TMP03 pdf


Serial Digital Output Thermometers

a FEATURES Low Cost 3-Pin Package Modulated Serial Digital Output Proportional to Temperature ± 1.5 C Accuracy (typ) from 25 C to +100 C Specified 40 C to +100 C, Operation to 150 C Power Consumption 6.5 mW Max at 5 V Flexible Open-Collector Output on TMP03 CMOS, TTL Compatible Output on TMP04 Lo

Analog Devices
Analog Devices

datasheet TMP04 pdf


0.5C Accurate PWM Temperature Sensor in 5-Lead SC-70

±0.5°C Accurate PWM Temperature Sensor in 5-Lead SC-70 TMP05, TMP06 FEATURES Modulated serial digital output, proportional to temperature ±0.5°C accuracy at 25°C ±1.0°C accuracy from 25°C to 70°C Two grades available Operation from 40°C to +150°C Operation from 3 V to 5.5 V Power consump

Analog Devices
Analog Devices

datasheet TMP05 pdf


0.5C Accurate PWM Temperature Sensor in 5-Lead SC-70

±0.5°C Accurate PWM Temperature Sensor in 5-Lead SC-70 TMP05, TMP06 FEATURES Modulated serial digital output, proportional to temperature ±0.5°C accuracy at 25°C ±1.0°C accuracy from 25°C to 70°C Two grades available Operation from 40°C to +150°C Operation from 3 V to 5.5 V Power consump

Analog Devices
Analog Devices

datasheet TMP06 pdf

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