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검색 결과 목록


(TNY174 - TNY180) Offline Switcher

TNY174-180 ® TinySwitch-LT Family Energy Ef cient, Of ine Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility 650 V rating optimized for non-active PFC applications Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Select

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TNY180 PDF 데이터시트

Power Integrations
Power Integrations


(TNY174 - TNY180) Offline Switcher

TNY174-180 ® TinySwitch-LT Family Energy Ef cient, Of ine Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility 650 V rating optimized for non-active PFC applications Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Select

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TNY180 PDF 데이터시트

Power Integrations
Power Integrations

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


(TNY174 - TNY180) Offline Switcher

TNY174-180 ® TinySwitch-LT Family Energy Ef cient, Of ine Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility 650 V rating optimized for non-active PFC applications Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Select

Power Integrations
Power Integrations

datasheet TNY175PN pdf


(TNY174 - TNY180) Offline Switcher

TNY174-180 ® TinySwitch-LT Family Energy Ef cient, Of ine Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility 650 V rating optimized for non-active PFC applications Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Select

Power Integrations
Power Integrations

datasheet TNY176 pdf


(TNY174 - TNY180) Offline Switcher

TNY174-180 ® TinySwitch-LT Family Energy Ef cient, Of ine Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility 650 V rating optimized for non-active PFC applications Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Select

Power Integrations
Power Integrations

datasheet TNY176PN pdf


(TNY174 - TNY180) Offline Switcher

TNY174-180 ® TinySwitch-LT Family Energy Ef cient, Of ine Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility 650 V rating optimized for non-active PFC applications Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Select

Power Integrations
Power Integrations

datasheet TNY177 pdf


(TNY174 - TNY180) Offline Switcher

TNY174-180 ® TinySwitch-LT Family Energy Ef cient, Of ine Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility 650 V rating optimized for non-active PFC applications Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Select

Power Integrations
Power Integrations

datasheet TNY177PN pdf

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