U440의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

이 페이지에서 반도체 부품에 대한 모든 관련 사양 및 성능 데이터가 포함된 데이터시트가 제공됩니다.

검색 결과 목록


N-Channel JFET Monolithic Dual

N-Channel JFET Monolithic Dual CORPORATION U440 , U441 FEATURES DESCRIPTION The U440 Series is an N-Channel Monolithic Dual JFET designed for high speed amplifier circuits. Featuring high gain (> 6 mS typical), low leakage (< 1pA typ) and low noise. This series is an excellent choice for different

Calogic  LLC
Calogic LLC



U, SST440,441 Linear Integrated Systems FEATURES Direct Replacement for SILICONIX U, SST440 & U, SST441 HIGH CMRR LOW GATE LEAKAGE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS @ 25 °C (unless otherwise stated) Maximum Temperatures Storage Temperature Operating Junction Temperature Maximum Power Dissipation Continuous

Linear Integrated Systems
Linear Integrated Systems

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


N-Channel JFET Monolithic Dual

N-Channel JFET Monolithic Dual CORPORATION U440 , U441 FEATURES DESCRIPTION The U440 Series is an N-Channel Monolithic Dual JFET designed for high speed amplifier circuits. Featuring high gain (> 6 mS typical), low leakage (< 1pA typ) and low noise. This series is an excellent choice for different

Calogic  LLC
Calogic LLC

datasheet U441 pdf



U, SST440,441 Linear Integrated Systems FEATURES Direct Replacement for SILICONIX U, SST440 & U, SST441 HIGH CMRR LOW GATE LEAKAGE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS @ 25 °C (unless otherwise stated) Maximum Temperatures Storage Temperature Operating Junction Temperature Maximum Power Dissipation Continuous

Linear Integrated Systems
Linear Integrated Systems

datasheet U441 pdf


Low Leakage

U441 MONOLITHIC DUAL N-CHANNEL JFET Linear Systems replaces discontinued Siliconix U441 The U441 is a tightly matched Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET The U441 are monolithic dual JFETs mounted in a single TO-71 package. The monolithic dual chip design reduces parasitics and gives better performance


datasheet U441 pdf


N-Channel JFET Monolithic Dual

N-Channel JFET Monolithic Dual CORPORATION U443 , U444 FEATURES DESCRIPTION The U443 Series is an N-Channel Monolithic Dual JFET designed for high speed amplifier circuits. Featuring high gain ( > 6 mS typical), low leakage (< 1pA typical) and low noise this device is an excellent choice for high

Calogic  LLC
Calogic LLC

datasheet U443 pdf


N-Channel JFET Monolithic Dual

N-Channel JFET Monolithic Dual CORPORATION U443 , U444 FEATURES DESCRIPTION The U443 Series is an N-Channel Monolithic Dual JFET designed for high speed amplifier circuits. Featuring high gain ( > 6 mS typical), low leakage (< 1pA typical) and low noise this device is an excellent choice for high

Calogic  LLC
Calogic LLC

datasheet U444 pdf

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