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검색 결과 목록



NEW PRODUCT NEW PRODUCT NEW PRODUCT UGF10ACT THRU UGF10DCT ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY RECTIFIER Reverse Voltage - 50 to 200 Volts ITO-220AB 0.405 (10.27) 0.383 (9.72) 0.188 (4.77) 0.172 (4.36) 0.110 (2.80) 0.100 (2.54) 0.140 (3.56) DIA. 0.130 (3.30) 0.131 (3.39) DIA 0.122 (3.08) Forward Current - 1

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UGF10BCT PDF 데이터시트

General Semiconductor
General Semiconductor

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


Ultra Fast Rectifiers

Features * High efficiency, low VF * High current capability * High Reliability * High surge current capability * Compliant to RoHS Directive 2011, 65, EU and in accordance to WEEE 2002, 96, EC UGF1004G THRU UGF1008G Ultra Fast Rectifiers Package Outline Dimensions in inches (millimeters) ITO-220AB


datasheet UGF1004G pdf


10 Ampere Insulated Tandem Polarity Ultra Fast Recovery Half Bridge Rectifiers

UGF1004GD thru UGF1008GD ® UGF1004GD thru UGF1008GD Pb Free Plating Product Pb 10 Ampere Insulated Tandem Polarity Ultra Fast Recovery Half Bridge Rectifiers Features Latest GPP technology with ultra fast recovery time Low forward voltage drop High current capability Low reverse leakage curren

Thinki Semiconductor
Thinki Semiconductor

datasheet UGF1004GD pdf


10 Ampere Insulated Series Connection Ultra Fast Recovery Half Bridge Rectifiers

UGF1004GS thru UGF1008GS ® UGF1004GS thru UGF1008GS Pb Free Plating Product Pb 10 Ampere Insulated Series Connection Ultra Fast Recovery Half Bridge Rectifiers Features Latest GPP technology with ultra fast recovery time Low forward voltage drop High current capability Low reverse leakage curr

Thinki Semiconductor
Thinki Semiconductor

datasheet UGF1004GS pdf


Isolated Ultra Fast Rectifiers

UGF1004G thru UGF1008G Taiwan Semiconductor CREAT BY ART FEATURES - High efficiency, low VF - High current capability - High reliability - High surge current capability - UL Recognized File # E-326243 - Compliant to RoHS Directive 2011, 65, EU and in accordance to WEEE 2002, 96, EC Isolated Ultra

Taiwan Semiconductor
Taiwan Semiconductor

datasheet UGF1005G pdf


10 Ampere Insulated Common Cathode Ultra Fast Recovery Half Bridge Rectifiers

UGF1004G thru UGF1008G ® UGF1004G thru UGF1008G Pb Free Plating Product Pb 10 Ampere Insulated Common Cathode Ultra Fast Recovery Half Bridge Rectifiers Features Latest GPP technology with ultra fast recovery time Low forward voltage drop High current capability Low reverse leakage current Hig

Thinki Semiconductor
Thinki Semiconductor

datasheet UGF1005G pdf

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