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검색 결과 목록


3 Terminal 0.5A Positive Voltage Regulator

UTC 78DXX LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3-TERMINAL 0.5A POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION The UTC 78DXX family is monolithic fixed voltage regulator integrated circuit. They are suitable for applications that required supply current up to 0.5 A. 1 TO-252 FEATURE *Output current up to 0.5 A *Fix

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3 Terminal 0.5A Positive Voltage Regulator

UTC 78DXXA LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3-TERMINAL 1A POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION The UTC 78DXXA family is monolithic fixed voltage regulator integrated circuit. They are suitable for applications that required supply current up to 1 A. FEATURES *Peak output current up to 1 A *Fixed outpu

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국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier

Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier 500 to 2000 MH- Technical Data UTO, UTC 2012 Series Features Frequency Range: 500 to 2000 MH- High Dynamic Range Noise Figure: 3.0 dB (Typ) GaAs FET Technology Temperature Compensated Surface Mount Option Description The 2012 Series is a thin-film GaAs FET RF a

Teledyne Cougar
Teledyne Cougar

datasheet UTC-2012 pdf


Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier

Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier 1700 to 2300 MH- Technical Data UTO, UTC 2321 Series Features Frequency Range: 1700 to 2300 MHz Medium Gain: 15.0 dB (Typ) Medium Output Power: +12.0 dBm (Typ) Temperature Compensated Applications IF, RF Amplification Telemetry Military Communications Descript


datasheet UTC-2321 pdf


Gas Discharge Tube

Unictron Technologies Corporation Product :Gas Discharge Tube Part No.: UTC-3216-421N 1. PART NUMBER CODE Page 1 , 3 UTC - 3216 - 421 N 2. MARKING B ra n d Name Series C ode Tolerance DC Breakdow n V oltage 3. Outline Drawing 0.45±0.1 Unit:mm 1.6 0.2 3.2 0.3 1.6 0.2 Recommended


datasheet UTC-3216-421N pdf


Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier

Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier 20 to 500 MH- Technical Data UTO, UTC 546 Series Features Frequency Range: 20 to 500 MH- High Output Power: +23.5 dBm (Typ) High Dynamic Range Temperature Compensated Description The 546 Series is a thin-film RF bipolar amplifier using lossless feedback for optim

teledyne cougar
teledyne cougar

datasheet UTC-546 pdf


Thin Film Cascadable Amplifier

Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier 5 to 1000 MH- Technical Data UTO, UTC 1005 Series Features Frequency Range: 5 to 1000 MH- High Dynamic Range High Output Power: +21.0 dBm (Typ) Noise Figure: 5.0 dB (Typ) Temperature Compensated Surface Mount Option Description The 1005 Series is a medium-gai


datasheet UTC1005 pdf

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