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검색 결과 목록


400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter

XL6008 400KH- 60V 3A Switching Current Boost , Buck-Boost , Inverting DC, DC Converter Features n n n n n n n n n n n General Description The XL6008 regulator is a wide input range, current mode, DC, DC converter which is capable of generating either positive or negative output voltages. It can

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XL6008 PDF 데이터시트


국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


180KHz 60V 4A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver

Datasheet 180KH- 60V 4A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver Features n n n n n n n n n n n n n n XL6005 General Description The XL6005 regulator is fixed frequency PWM Boost (step-up) LED constant current driver, capable of driving Series 1W, 3W, 5W LED units with excellent line a


datasheet XL6005 pdf


180KHz 60V 5A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver

Datasheet 180KH- 60V 5A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver Features n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n XL6006 General Description The XL6006 regulator is fixed frequency PWM Boost (step-up) LED constant current driver, capable of driving Series 1W, 3W, 5W LED units with excellent line


datasheet XL6006 pdf


400KHz 60V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter

XL6007 400KH- 60V 2A Switching Current Boost , Buck-Boost , Inverting DC, DC Converter Features n n n n n n n n n n n General Description The XL6007 regulator is a wide input range, current mode, DC, DC converter which is capable of generating either positive or negative output voltages. It can


datasheet XL6007 pdf


400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter

XL6008 400KH- 60V 3A Switching Current Boost , Buck-Boost , Inverting DC, DC Converter Features n n n n n n n n n n n General Description The XL6008 regulator is a wide input range, current mode, DC, DC converter which is capable of generating either positive or negative output voltages. It can


datasheet XL6008 pdf


400KHz 60V 4A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter

XL6009 400KH- 60V 4A Switching Current Boost , Buck-Boost , Inverting DC, DC Converter Features n n n n n n n n n n n General Description The XL6009 regulator is a wide input range, current mode, DC, DC converter which is capable of generating either positive or negative output voltages. It can


datasheet XL6009 pdf

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