XR16M780의 가격 정보 및 구매처를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

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검색 결과 목록



XR16M780 1.62V TO 3.63V HIGH PERFORMANCE UART WITH 64-BYTE FIFO SEPTEMBER 2008 REV. 1.0.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR16M7801 (M780) is an enhanced Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) with 64 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, programmable transmit and receive FIFO trigger levels

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XR16M780 PDF 데이터시트

Exar Corporation
Exar Corporation

국내 전자부품 판매점





관련 검색 목록


GaAs MMIC Receiver

17.65-33.65 GH- GaAs MMIC Receiver April 2007 - Rev 05-Apr-07 Features Fundamental High Dynamic Range Receiver Integrated Gain Control +4.0 dBm Input Third Order Intercept (IIP3) 13.0 dB Conversion Gain 3.0 dB Noise Figure 25.0 dB Image Rejection 100% On-Wafer RF, DC and Noise Figure Testing 100% V

Mimix Broadband
Mimix Broadband

datasheet XR1002-BD pdf


GaAs Receiver

18.0-30.0 GH- GaAs Receiver QFN, 7x7 mm November 2006 - Rev 03-Nov-06 R1002-QB Features Fundamental High Dynamic Range Receiver Integrated Gain Control +4.0 dBm Input Third Order Intercept (IIP3) 14.0 dB Conversion Gain 3.5 dB Noise Figure 25.0 dB Image Rejection Mimix Broadband’s 18.0-30.0 G

Mimix Broadband
Mimix Broadband

datasheet XR1002-QB pdf


GaAs MMIC Receiver

30.0-46.0 GH- GaAs MMIC Receiver May 2005 - Rev 13-May-05 Features Mimix Broadband’s 30.0-46.0 GH- GaAs MMIC receiver has a noise figure of 3.5 dB and 18.0 dB image rejection across the band. This device is a three stage LNA followed by an image reject resistive pHEMT mixer and includes an integ

Mimix Broadband
Mimix Broadband

datasheet XR1004 pdf



XR1004-BD Receiver 30.0-46.0 GHz Features Sub-harmonic Receiver Integrated LNA, LO Doubler, Buffer, Image Reject Mixer +4.0 dBm Input Third Order Intercept (IIP3) +2.0 dBm LO Drive Level 9.0 dB Conversion Gain 3.5 dB Noise Figure 18.0 dB Image Rejection 100% On-Wafer RF, DC & Noise Figure T


datasheet XR1004-BD pdf


GaAs MMIC Receiver

19.0-26.0 GH- GaAs MMIC Receiver April 2006 - Rev 10-Apr-06 Features Sub-harmonic Receiver Integrated LNA, LO Buffer, Image Reject Mixer +2.0 dBm LO Drive Level 2.3 dB Noise Figure 20.0 dB Image Rejection 100% On-Wafer RF, DC and Noise Figure Testing 100% Visual Inspection to MIL-STD-883 Method 201

Mimix Broadband
Mimix Broadband

datasheet XR1005 pdf

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